This webpage was set up and designed on Nov 28, 2011 by Tyrone Vuong 王永健

                                                                                                                          Background music:  平安夜

2011 Season's Greetings


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This page is created for KT teachers and alumni who want to send their greetings to post in this page. please send your greetings to the following email. thanks.


Tyrone Vuong:



Posted on Dec 8, 2011


聖誕節之都——斯特拉斯堡                              作者:陳淑萍 69年文科






實際上,歐洲第一個聖誕節市集發源於14世紀的阿爾薩斯地區(斯特拉斯堡所在地區,世界第一次大戰後德國歸還法國),當時被稱為「聖尼古拉節市集」。首篇有關聖誕節市集的記載,是在薩克二世弗雷德里克王朝統治時期的1434年出現。在15世紀的歷史文獻上發現提到聖誕節前夕,在德累斯頓 (Dresde) 舉辦聖尼古拉節市集的記載。稍後的宗教大革命推翻了傳統,將聖尼古拉節市集改稱為基督兒童市集,以抵制聖人文化。跟著,在1570年和1628年相繼初現,具有規模的斯特拉斯堡和紐倫堡聖誕節市集。








每逢12月,斯特拉斯堡的聖誕節調子響不絕耳,市內所有大小教堂舉行的音樂會、合唱團、福音曲、雙人合唱或獨唱的節目繁多,數不勝數。此外,市政府還舉辦介紹聖誕節的神秘故事和免費魔術表演。展覽、會議、古典音樂、表演…讓大家也飽享耳福。除了斯特拉斯堡之外,法國東北部阿爾薩斯地區還有塞勒斯塔 (Selestat)、科爾馬 (Colmar)和凱澤堡  (Kayserberg) 其他三個甚受歡迎的聖誕節市集。


Posted on Dec 8, 2011














Greeting from Class 69 Literature Ralph & Rosa Chern



Dear KTHS Alumni:

As Year 2011 is soon over, we feel blessed to have a rewarding year, enjoying freedom to do things we desired to do and being surrounded by loving friends.
This year we attempt to transition to retirement, looking into alternatives from working full-time to doing things we enjoy doing. Ralph still involves with semiconductor, but focuses more on its investment. Rosa spends more time with family and pursues various interests. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to take part in KhaiTri Class 69 Mini-Reunion in Paris in April and visit friends and classmates in England, Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland. We hope that we shall have more time next year for ourselves and to reconnect with old friends.

We sincerely hope that you and your family have been doing well in every endeavor. We shall attend 2012 KTHS Reunion in LA and look forward to seeing as many of you there in May as possible.

With the holiday season and the New Year coming, we wish you and your family good health, peace, and joy.

Ralph & Rosa Chern
San Francisco, CA, USA




























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