This webpage was set up and designed on July 14, 2010 by Tyrone Vuong 王永健


 啓智首頁   啓智校友聯歡晚會2010年

   KT Home Page              Khai Tri Oversea Alumni Reunion Party 2010


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編者電郵:王永健 Tyrone


Khai Tri School current address: 302 NGUYEN CHI THANH PHUONG 5 QUAN 10 TPHCM



Posted: Jun 15, 2016


From:  曾耀熙  Henri TANG Dieu Hy, Jun 15, 2016



本人曾耀熙 Henri TANG Dieu Hy
Facebook: Justine TANG
微信 Wechat henri4tang +33 6 17 56 70 52 France
WhatsApp +33 6 17 56 70 52 France
92-94 rue Jules Lagaisse, Bât D, RdC Appt. 05
94400 Vitry sur Seine, France

同班陳淑美同学 (shuping Tran 之妹)


尋同學及朋友: 林明燦 (1975 10屆) 前排左2,莫家豐 (1975 10屆) 后排右6

曾耀樟永(五弟)同班陳嘉輝 澳洲墨爾本
曾耀樟(三哥) (1973年 8屆) 澳洲墨爾本
張德健 (1973年 8屆) 前排 4 右3 越南

多謝各位 !!





Date: Apr 8, 2016


From:  周鎮柔  Andy Mac, Apr 7, 2016



老鳥歸巢  風華再現



  楊瑞芳   New York, NY
  張肖玲 Evelyne Truong Paris, France
  張叁 Sam Chang Vancouver, Canada
  劉麗芳 Phuong Luu San Jose, CA
  劉仕明 Minh Chau Queen, NY
  楊燦霖 Patrick Young Hong Kong
  楊燦輝   Hong Kong
  麥華生   Switzerland


Date: Jun 21, 2015


From:  廖建珍  Lieu Kien Chan, Jun 20, 2015


Dear Khai Tri School Class Reps,

How are you all doing? I hope things are going well for all of you.

It has been a year since our last reunion in May of 2014. It is time to have the next group of alumni pick up the torch to carry into the 4th Khai Tri School Reunion of 2016. Since the previous reunions were so successful, we would like the spirit of Khai Tri School to continue to flourish and thrive.

Please raise your voice and speak up to be our next reunion party coordinators in 2016. It is a very fun function and getting people together can be a very satisfying experience. No doubt there will be some work involved, but it is getting easier because all the contact information has been gathered already. You may reach out to anyone one of the following personnel:

Tyrone Vuong
Derek Tran,
Tran Johnny
Ty Yeh
Fina Lee
Lieu Kien Chan

We are all ready to give you our full support! Let’s not wait. It is time to plan ahead!

This will be a brand new committee with you as the brand new members. You can choose the venue, the state, the city, the entertainment, the time, the theme, the style; anything and anywhere your creativity will lead you.

We look forward to the exciting program that the new committee will no doubt be able to craft, and we will remain ready to support the new committee members.

Respectfully yours,

On behalf of 2014 Reunion Committee
Chan L.
廖建珍 (2014 Khai Tri school Reunion Event Assistance Coordinator)

818-454-7519 (C)
818-953-7188 (H)
Email: (H) (W)


Date: Feb 18, 2015


From:  陳偉成  Stephen Chan, Feb 18, 2015


陳偉成很興奮的在此網頁找到了多年好友黃鎮,他也正在尋找另外兩位同窗林紹澤和亞Rod playboy,知情者請與他聯絡,此校友的班級不詳。  編者




Date: Jun 7, 2014


Dear Khai Tri Alumni,

On behalf of Reunion Committee of the class 76, I would sincerely like to express my greatest appreciation and thanks for attending our very successful Class reunion!

Although nothing ever turns out exactly as planned, I think that we can all agree that a good time was had by all. Where there is love, friendship and community of spirit, the coming together of a group of people such as we are will always be a success. The committee is grateful for your participation and knows that every single one of you made the reunion a wonderful experience.

As we now return to our everyday lives, the memory of time with our friends will linger for a long while. It is important for us to remain connected to one another and to the unique experiences of our childhood at Khai Tri, which is our common bond. We understand one another in a way that may not be entirely possible by others in our lives. While every life on this planet is unique and special in its own way, the Khai Tri experience and the circumstances surrounding our history belongs to us alone.

I look forward to maintaining a long and happy relationship with each and every one of you.

A Salute to the spirit of our Khai Tri Mother School forever lasting.

Respectfully yours,
Chan L
廖建珍 ( 2014 Khai Tri reunion Event Assistance Coordinator)


Date: Oct 29, 2013


From:  李克柔女兒Stacey   Oct 28, 2013


Thank you for forwarding Sang Sang's email. With the help from Tyrone Vuong, Mr. Ly got in touch with Sang Sang and her brother last week and they also came to attend Mr. Ly's exhibition yesterday. What a happy reunion after 30 years!



Date: Oct 16, 2013


From:  李克柔 Oct 16, 2013



我是李克柔畫家,曾在73-74年于越南健青體育會美術組任教。希望在此啟示尋找曾任教學生 郭珊珊,郭幼倫,周榮等。

本人現居越南第二郡 Ham Long Village(原居第五郡 Nguyen Trai 奇龍美術館)
目前旅居多倫多數週,於本月26日在多倫多高瀅書畫院舉辦個人畫展 並盼望此遊能與現居多倫多曾參加美術組的學生們相聚。

加拿大請聯絡電話 (519)279-4968,手機(226)606-9688,email:

奇龍美術館 /



Date: Oct 8, 2013


From:  王清(69年文科) Oct 5, 2013


Hi, dear 徐硯竹同學,


妳好, 我是王清,層于63至65年間系屬第六屆文科未完成畢業生,記憶中我放棄升上2B級而就讀何文英速成班( English Proficiency) ,李若喬是從聖,心轉入啟智揷班2B,我依稀記得,李若喬和我太太張旺珍同學是鄰坐,我還記得若喬的家位於苐五郡鴻龎大道,她父親是數理化教授,李若喬有一對大眼晴,BB裝短頭髪,活潑可愛,陳麗嫦同學是她鄰居,我想啟眢應該只有這麼一個李若喬吧,我倆夫婦也找了很多年,我近従葉永享處得知她今住在維珍尼亞卅(Virginia.USA.願再談, 往往人在追憶中感到失落,但回味過去卻也會心一笑.順祝妳安康,快樂.


王清 謹啟


Date: July 7, 2013






Date: June 19, 2013


From:  Kevin On (Teacher On)  June 11, 2013


To Vilvian Simpkins Hi Vilian, I have been looking for you and your family when I spent a great deal time with your elder brother, and I am god brother of Hao sister, I just look at your email on May 20, I am so shock and feel sad Hao sister pass away...can you also give me your brother Ze Phong's contact info? If you see this email get back to me immediately. My email is I am in DC area now.


To Vivian Simpkins: Vivian, I am sorry Hao sister pass away. She is so young still I have been looking for you and your family since we last met about 30 years in Los Angles (1984). your brother Tri Phong's contact too ! Kevin , your teacher

My email is, (301)220-1539


Regards, Kevin



Date: June 8, 2013


From:  Tien M Quach  June 4, 2013


Any one know my best friend Name: Song Sheng Liu, He live Country France, Lyon. Please give me call (416) 620-6909, My Address 10 Hartland Road, Etobicok, Ontario, Canada M9C 4S8, I was in this class but I am not complete high school. Please call or Email to me Thanks.





Date: June 3, 2013


From:  許碧艷 (74年班)May 30, 2013


I am looking for 74 class classmate 余秀卿同學,if anyone have her contact please kindly let me know. I can be reached at Thank you .



Date: May 22, 2013


From:  Quan kien Hue (72年班)    May 21, 2013


Hello, I was elementary school grad 1967 and contiuned up to 1970 before 1972 grad. Would the siye post coming/future activities/events so taht we are able to join? regards

kien Hue


Hi Kien Hue,


we always post the up-coming school gatherings on the KT web. but we post class activity news only when requested. if you want to know your class activity news, please contact your class reps. here is the link:





Date: May 22, 2013


From:  Villia Simpkins (75年班)    May 20, 2013


In response to email: Date: Aug 28,2011 Message from 劉慧虹




I was a graduate in Class of 1975, my cousin told me about the web page a few days ago. I left VN in such a hurry that I did not have any pictures at all. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see all the pictures online, I read the information and found out that someone was looking for my sister. Would you please let 劉慧虹 know that her good friend 王燕好, my beloved sister, had passed away many years ago? Thank you.


Villia Simpkins



Date: May 17, 2013


From:  李碧霞 Allison Jew (77年班)    May 16, 2013


I am looking for a long lost classmate - Au, Ngoc Binh 區玉泙 since 1979 after I left our country. We were studied from Kindergarten up to 6th grade graduation until primary school year 2A. We always hung out with small group of friends by paddling bicycle here and there. If you see this message or friends of Ngoc Binh. Please send me a good news! we are missing you so long and still not know where are U! hope a miracle happen to bring you back in our big family. If I remember right, she has one older sister and one younger brother. I know KT website is our good source to find long lost friend Waiting for your message or maybe you are just living around the corner! who know! Thanks a lot! Allison and class 77 is waiting for U!





Date: May 13, 2013


From:  關啟華(76年班)    May 10, 2013


My name is Edward Kwan , 關啟華,I was with 龔嘉群、蘇佩月、蘇志毅、温宝珠、洪慧霞、同学從幼稚园同班 until 1968. I am glad to see 龔嘉群與母親照片,如有龔嘉群同学们小学畢业相,請转寄:many thanks.


Edward Kwan, 關啟華

Toronto, Canada


P.S.: my best wishings to you and your loved ones



Date: May 13, 2013


From:  劉玉卿(1974 台大外文系)    May 3, 2013




Cellphone:加拿大 ( 514) 969-2368


All the best


劉玉卿(1974 台大外文系)



Date: Apr 21, 2013


From:  石静萍(啓智小學)    Apr 20, 2013


啓智信箱:大家好. 是林媚媚姐给我 KHAITRI 的这网.
虽然你们不认识我. 因为那时候我还在读小学.看到你们的毕业相片,我会想到我的爸爸 MR CERCEUL.
他87 年在法国过世.

美萍    電郵:


美萍學妹,歡迎妳再度回到啓智大家庭的懷抱。令尊 Mr Cerceul 是我唸高三時的reading 老師。王永健



Date: Apr 8, 2013


From:  馬兆錦(68年理科)    Mar 31, 2013


By a flat chance, I try our old high school name when surfing. Yes, I am the #58 on the 1968 alumni list. Sorry, I am not good in typing Chinese on computer. I still can read and write Chinese. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Welcome for any contact. Cell phone (626)242-7008, between 900AM-200PM Pacific time, any day; because I work night shift, day/evening time to sleep or for any continue education class. Thanks.


Ma, Shiukam

Email: 電郵: or



Date: Mar 17, 2013


From:  馮三邦(63年理科)    Mar 17, 2013




你好!一個陳年老友給了我這啟智網站,說有空不防進去一遊. 日前進入一看,原來十分興旺! 王學友此舉很有建設性,做福同窗,十分贊賞! 我是63年理科第二屆同學 馮三邦. 畢業相站在最後排右起第二個.. 雖是半個世紀前所拍的舊照,老同學舊相識,可還認出不少。 網上近照與當年的印象,年代不同,要靠五十年不變的名字來辨認。哈哈!輪廓依然.,都是上了點年紀的人,生活漸歸淡逸,回味昔日生活點滴,確實令人心嚝神怡, 歡欣愉快! 謝謝王同學! 在此,謹向本班及各级同學們問好,並祝各位老人家們身體健康!



Date: Mar 11, 2013


From:  Allison J. Class 77 Rep    Mar 11, 2013



Johnny, Derek, Tyrone and All. I have reviewed thru our KT messages today, there is nothing yet propose KT Alumni Reunion in 2014. I have a suggestion, why don't all the Alumni take turn to in charge and coordinate the year coming Alumni reunion party. Thank you very much for who have done a great job in these past two term. If you all agree the next coordinator will be class 74 & 75. Then the other years will continuing fall into 76 &77 and go on. Or the other way around, go backward counting to respect others Alumni 70 & 71 and so on. Anybody will have a chance to have fun and experience the hardship to form a BIG huge party. Hope we are all in a same page and feed back if you have any suggestion or idea. Time is running out fast and year 2014 is approaching soon. Good Luck!

Allison J. Class 77 Rep. 03/11/13



Date: Mar 9, 2013


From:  Ngo Guan Phu    Mar 9, 2013



I'm very sorrow to announced that, Ngo quan phu, my brother was graduated in year of 68, ( list on #51) died 1994 in heart attack.


Contact email:



Date: Mar 8, 2013


From:  許碧艷(74年 )Mar 8, 2013



I am 許碧艷 (class 74), is looking for classmate 余秀卿。If anyone have her contact, please kindly let me know. I can be reached at Have a wonderful day.



Date: Jan 3, 2013


From:  葉藹婷77年 )  Dec 28, 2012












Date: Dec 30, 2012








啓智網站 謹啓



Date: Dec 26, 2012


From:  麥勝梅68年 理科)  Dec 21, 2012









Date: Dec 17, 2012


From:  Vien Nghi Tran(71年班)  Dec 14, 2012


To dear 20 71年校友:薛寶雲 Guess who, we are Ty & Vien nghi, We were so happy to see your photos in Khai Tri homepage.


Please email:



Date: Oct 8, 2012


From:  鄧以鏘 (72年班)  Oct 8, 2012


您們好! 學弟 (名鄧以鏘,40年來一直居住在台灣台北) 本應屬啟智72年11班,但因在Form 4 時跟隨莫成銳老師離開啟智轉入致知 (第1屆),但心中仍然掛念那班同班同學多人。此次無意中Google 到此網站,內心的激動莫名,筆墨難以形容,離越時才18,今年卻已60。42年的歲月就此流失,令弟多夜輾轉難眠‧

非常非常感激您們架設此網站,讓無數流浪海外的啟智遊子們可以一賭與重溫往日之舊夢。40年後再次看到當年的老同學們的照片,一個個已不復當年的“年少輕狂,英姿煥發”模樣,心中有著無限感慨。It's so sad ! 隨著戰爭、戰亂,我們的黃金歲月也一併地帶走了。

學弟在此 (台北) 衷心地、深深的祝福您們大家及家庭、幸福美滿,身體健康,百事可樂! YES!










鄧以鏘與太太攝於Apr.29, 2012/菲律賓長灘島



Date: Aug 17, 2012


From:  施汶偉 (77年 班)  Aug16, 2012


My name 施汶偉 (Nick name施汶爺). Class 1977 Science. I started grade 7 in Khai Tri School.
It had been over 37 years. I am not sure you still remember me. I don't think you can find me in the graduation picture of class 77. I was not graduate in grade 6. I found the Khai Tri website when I search through youtube the Reunion of Khai Tri. Now I live in Boston, Mass.. My email address;
Can you tell me more about our classmates ?
Please help me to find them;


漢國政 蔡光泰 孫志平 古偉強 明佳雄 楊應光 劉明強 符正
黃錦文 黃念大 梁耀琛 凌振威 陳樂龍、陳禮龍 石美鳳 明曦
許暉 楊子江 陳偉基



Date: Aug 16, 2012


From:  馮寶卿 (71年 文科)  Aug16, 2012


Hi 王永健, 你好! 陳坤燕 Muoi Rodgers 同學,現住Camarillo, California USA. 想尋找兒時老友好同學關重瑜 和黃鶯,如有任何他們的下落或消息, 請聯絡其 cell 1-805-341-1767 E-mail Skype ID: MUOI.RODGERS,. 謝謝! 



Date: Aug 16, 2012


From:  朱麗文 Van Tran(77年 班)  Aug15, 2012


I am looking for 關美玉 (Class74) and sister 關美容 (Class77). Please email or contact me if possible. Phone 818 234 6467 or 818 268-8336. Thank you!






From:  Derek Tran 陳治國(68年文科)  July 13, 2012


Letter dated May 28, 2012


Dear Mr. Chairman and Committee Members,

I was extremely honored and, at the same time, humbled to have received the Recognition Plaque and a gift card that you bestowed upon me on the KT Alumni Reunion Gala. Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Actually, what I did was not even worth mentioning. Every member of the Committee had done a fantastic job in organizing this great function with 420 plus participants including teachers, guests and alums from all over the world. This wonderful event would not have been successful without your commitment, energy, and dedication. That is truly a great accomplishment by all of you. Congratulations for a job well done!

I am very touched in receiving the plaque and would like to contribute the value of the gift card to the KT Alumni ASSN fund. I will mail a check to you. Please accept my sincerity in this matter.

Again, thank you very much and best wish to the entire Committee.

Long live the harmony and unity spirit of our Khai Tri big family!

All the best,





From:  Minh Tu 徐永明  July 9, 2012


Hello 郭詩雅,


I am 徐永明. I bump into you back in 1979 in France, Paris subway.  I am living in Torrance, California USA since 1980.  I have met many KT 79 classmate for lunch and dinner.  I can no longer write in Chinese, so sorry.  But I can still speak Cantonese.  Hope we can get in touch again.


Please do not forget to list your email address when you post.


All the best. 


Minh Tu




From:  Huynh Chanh 黃鎮  July 9, 2012


My name's Huynh Chanh, I was in KT in year 1969, was in the same class with Teacher Luu Yuet Hanh's younger brother, Luu Yuet Mi.  So far I successfully re-connected with one or two best friens of mine only.  Hope to find more.  Since my home phone number changes, I've to let all of my classmates know about this.  My home phone should be 416-746-9749.  My cell phone still stays the same as I posted before 416-732-3098.   I live in Toronto with my family now.  Thanks for your attention.


我是黃鎮曾於69年就讀於啟智,與劉月痾老師弟弟劉月眉同班,已聯絡到其中一位好友阮望,因家中電話號碼有所改變,現時家中電話是 416-746-9749 手機則仍是416-732-3098。 希望能聯絡到更多的同學,我現時居於多倫多。





From:  王霭鸾  July 9, 2012












From:  鄧广祥  July 7, 2012


我現在住australia sydney 想要联絡各地的同學

email add:




From:  鄧敏兒  July 1, 2012


我是鄧敏兒, 想找幾位中學同學: 黃勤昌, 黃綺麗, 墨旭堂. 如有任何他們的下落或消息, 請联絡我.

我的電郵: 謝謝!




From:  Sylvia(Wai Ying) Tran  June 23, 2012


Hi, my name is Sylvia(Wai Ying) Tran, I was in Khai Minh School transfer to Khai Tri School and graduated at Chee-Chee English High School.


Please contact me: or (415)676-9128 USA



From:  單錦材  June 8, 2012


I'd like to look for colleagues in Khaitri school, Saigon, Vietnam, I read all in KT home page, and I recognize certain peoples that've been in KT school, I hope that they might contact me or I will be able to contact them, I left KT school in 1973, and I've attended only 3 years from 1971 to 973. If I continue in school, it would be graduated in 1976, so now whoever graduated in 1976, they might know me. I hope that I will get their attention. Thanks. now I live in San Diego.CA, USA.


look for 郭珊珊 colleagues. my name is 單錦材 attended khaitri shool from 1971 to 1973, I left school in 1973, and did remember your name. I hope we can be able to get contact through KT home page. I live in San Diego,CA,USA. my contact tel number is 858-429-8166.


楊月梅 、符美恩、程嘉慧、吴彗、梁宝玉、黄美丽、陳玉瑩、萧夢中、林若驹、葉雲賜、陳健陞、陳志城、陳焕光 、潘志奮老師 、劉婉倪、梁荔紅、姚雪娥、李健娥、呉少君、黄光海、 楊瑞芳、楊金芳(她們是姐妹)、廬慶安(理科班) My name is Tom Thuyen, chinese name is 單錦材 , from San Diego, CA, USA. I am looking for khaitri school colleagues graduated in 1976, but I dropped out school in 1973, I attended from 1971 to 1973. I hope through this KT home page be able to find them listed on the top paragraph. my contact tel number is 858-429-8166.





From:  潘丽萍  June 4, 2012




你好! 我是潘丽萍。还记得我吗?我在启智中学的信箱看到你的留言。很高兴有你的消息,知道你现在仍住在越南。现在我住在美国的洛杉矶。在这里我还遇到很多旧同学。他们是:叶慧,朱陈缓缓,麦婉珍,叶聪,叶琼仁,杜广福,苏艳华,苏永强,柯淑芬,徐永明,谢健德,叶辅德,陆伟成,郭皇等等。您有电邮地址吗?以下是我的电邮地址 或者 (公司的)。写电邮给我,我会寄同学们的电邮地址给你。等待你的回信。







From:  毛彬彬  June 2, 2012


To 2012 Reunion Committee - Great Job!



From:  Cuong Van Ly  May 29, 2012


Hi KmThai,

How are you and family? I am happy today to get a call from one of my classmate and found this website. I am now at Northern California. I missed the class reunion which was held on May 26, 2012. I woulld like to meet all of our 13 male classmates. How many classmates do you get in touch? If you have their email addresess. Please email me. Thanks.


My email:




From:  朱潔英 AKA Dianne Poon  May 29, 2012



I am searching for the 2 brothers 許家结 and 許家宗. If anyone know where they are about please let them know that I am looking also looking for them and their cousin who used to live on Bến Trương Dương , Sàigòn . If anyone meet them at the party this Saturday night at NBC Seafood Restaurant (海寶潮粵酒家) . Due to my schedule with family, I can't attend the party but my friend Janet chu from San José and 广美 from Temple City will be there. They both can help me take any message. Thanks a million.



Dianne Poon




From:  李保祥(74年理科) April 27, 2012







From:  黃寶湘 April 24, 2012


hi 詩雅!







From:  黃河清 April 14, 2012


With respect to message from 馮玲老師 dated 10 Feb 2012. 温國良 is my 75 Classmate and now resided in Austrilian. I met him once during a reunioun gathering in Shenzhen China number of year ago. I'll forward massage from 馮玲老師 to our 75 yahoo group. With respect to 石美鳳, I heard that she is in US. Would 馮玲老師 please post her e-mail address for ease of communication. Regards,





From:  黃寶湘 April 4, 2012


 Hi 郭詩雅:








From:  陳澤明(68年理科) Mar31, 2012


68年理科,陳澤明在這裡向我所有的老同學打個招呼,歡迎通過我的電子郵件地址與我聯繫. 請讓我知道,下一次聚會是什麼時候? From: Newark, California USA.  電郵:







From:  李保祥(74年理科) Mar30, 2012







From:  Sam Wu 吳明松(73年 理科) April 20, 2012


My name is 呉明松 Samuel Wu
Enclosed info regard Wu family:
Wu family moved from Taiwan to Vietnam in 1964.
Wu family had 6 kids, All of us had attended Khai-Tri from 1964 thru 1974.
I was the only one graduated from Khai-Tri H S with graduation photos.
I left Vietnam in 1973 and my younger sister left Vietnam around 1974.
We lived in Chicago area since then.
It's nice to know after 1975 some of my classmate still around like
李德南 and 馮學華. Thank you for the website.
In 1982 My sisters and I met
馮家(馮建霞73E, 馮建文) in Columbus Ohio. They are the only family that we knew from Vietnam in US.


Sam, welcome back to the KT family.





From:  毛彬彬(70年班) Feb 28 2012


100% agreed with what 龚玉芬said in her letter of February 17,2012. Thank you 王永健。Because of KT website, a long lost college roommate found me.







From:  朱潔英(70年班) Feb 14, 2012


Hi! My name in Chinese as 朱潔英 when I attended Khai Tri 1965. I left Vietnam 1969. The only classmates that I still contact with is 蔡敏輝 and 唐燕芬 (both are in San Jose). I met 曾广美 a few years ago. She is in Temple city , next to my town. I would love to get in touch with the brothers(許家宗and 許家結)I was also good friend with their cousin in Saigon. Love to get in touch with them if anyone know where about the brothers are. I also like to get in touch with the teacher Mr. 潘世雄 so I can get in touch with his sister 高爱玲. He was also one of my teacher when I went there. I also like to know where about 林美華,陳碧芳(reside in Toronto , Canada?) and 陳美蘭 in Los Angeles, Ca.?) They graduate same year with 蔡敏輝 陳治國68年校友)陳文傑(67年校友)are you both in San Gabriel area? Please send me their email address or phone number if you have. . My phone# is 626-286-8694. I live in San Gabriel, Ca. Thanks


Dianne Poon      

From:  姚秀絹(70年班) Feb 5, 2012

Hi! 同學們:


首先更正我的名是姚秀絹、不是姚美娟,我有face book (Cathy Huy) 歓迎參觀! 70年的同學們回來吧! 現齡五.六十崴旳我們、應該放下生活的擔子,好好拾回童年的美好回憶,共話當年與現在,希望更多的啟智校友們擁躍參加。

姚秀絹   Email:



From:  毛彬彬(70年班) Feb 4, 2012

Hi, Class of 70,


I was pondering over if I should write anything. But here I am. When I was informed about KT website and saw Class of 70 graduation pictures, you can't imagine how happy I was (I was showing around the picture to my co-workers). I already had a class reunion for elementary and middle school in Tokyo, Japan and a college reunion in Bayarea, N. CA (going to have a big one in Sept. '12 in Taiwan). What was missing is my high school reunion. Now it seems I found the missing pieces. A piece by piece stored and forgotten memoy (wish I can increase my memory size) is coming back to me. When my name was called at the first Chinese class at KT, the entire class laughed (I figured it sounded funny in Cantonese), have to memorize begin, began, begun,.......... I started KT in fall of 1965 (I need to verify this). The school life at KT was totally differet from the previous school I attended; however, KT gave me many memorable moments and the friends I cherish. If it was't for the war, our life now may have been different, especially for our male classmates. But we always say "life goes on". Hopefully, with KT website more classmates can be connected. Can't wait to see you on 5/26.


彬彬 from San Jose, CA     Email:




From:  Ken  Jan 3, 2012


Hello, It took a while to find this web site. I was a student from k to 5th grade. I have not gone back since I left. Does anyone have the current address and some pictures of the school ? thanks.


Hi Ken,

Recently teacher Luong and many other alumni have gone back to VN. they sent school pictures from time to time to the KT web. I have posted on different web pages. Please look around for them. thanks for contacting the KT web.





From:  郭詩雅 Dec 31, 2011


hello , 朱陳媛媛 葉輔德 葉瓊仁 麥婉珍 葉慧 葉聰 蘇豔華 謝建德 潘麗萍 鄒愛月 郭皇 徐永明 很開心,昨晚姐姐朋友開了2010 啟智校友聯歡晚會給我看.終於在里面找到你們.以上是我還比較有印象的學友.其它的有點模糊. 請見諒.不知你們有几個人還記得我? 我和陳群歡一直都有保留聯系.






From:  張慧҇ Dec 27, 2011


我想找尋女同學: 她們是:。 陳玉娟, 蔡寶寶, 蔡麗英,張慧冰。 在這綱上先說句:謝謝,萬分感謝你們的幫忙。






From:  任志毅(高佬)- 1975年理科 Dec 26, 2011


各位同学,新年快乐!请和我联络 -




From:  葉芬 Dec 18, 2011


李文羌 同學: 請與葉芬聯絡.





From:  Minh Vinh Tu Nov 14, 2011


Hello KT79 alumni,


I am Minh Vinh Tu (徐永明) student of Khai Tri class 79. I know this class member "謝建德 David Ta" from your contact list. Please tell me more about the class reunion party in LA in May 2012. Thanks and looking forward to see all my old friends.




Hi Minh,


Welcome back to the KT family. I will forward your mail to class 79 reps. They will contact you later. Here is the detail about our 2012 Reunion party. Please go to the following link to read the bulletin. Thanks for contacting the KT web.





From:  Richard (Quang Huu) Tsang Nov 08, 2011


Hi Tyrone,


Very pleased to to see this webpage. Been living in Perth since 1978 and retired from Australian commonwealth government after 30 years of services. Its me in the #2 photo of Louise Wong's album. Glad to see some of old school mates. Thank you for feeding all these information.


Richard (Quang Huu) Tsang Science class of 70.


Hi Richard,


Your name has been added to picture #2. Welcome back to the KT family.





From:  劉世芸 Nov 03, 2011


HI, 關淑冰,


非常抱歉上次妳給我的e-mail信箱, 可能沒正確記下, 因此沒收到妳的回音. 不知妳後來是否有回台灣. 希望在這裡能聯絡上.





From:  Kim Stikich Oct 17, 2011


Dear 1972 Classmates,


Greeting from Kim-Ai in the City of Light (Aurora, IL)

Grace found me thru my classmate from Chung-Hsing U, Taichung. Very glad and delighted to get in touch with you all. I notice that 2 of my classmates are in Chicago, and I am the third one. My office is at 111E Wacker #2400 tel:312.915.1310(O) Let 's get together ? I lived in California since 1985 to 8/2008 in Southern California. First in Palm Desert, North Hollywood, and Valencia and moved to Illinois as I left Westfield Corp and accepted a job here in Chicago. My work experience mostly are in Real Estate Accounting and managing commercial properties. You may not believed that I fail my accounting classes in Chung-Hsing 3 times and I got A and B in Cal States U. I was doing well here in school but not in Taiwan. I am C student in Taiwan. Well, I don't want to bore you guys. May be see you all in 2012? Best regards,


Kim Stikich



Welcome back to the KT family.




From:  Clifford Quan 関学武 Sept 19, 2011


My friend's brother, who was an ex student of Khai Tri, sent me the link of this website from Taiwan, and I am happy to see some familiar faces in the graduation photo of Science Class 1970. I am now an Australian citizen living in Sydney and am still in the workforce. I have managed to keep in touch with Danny Chu (朱紹雄) in Sydney and Richard Tang (曾廣友) in Perth. Danny and I met up with James Pi some years back when he visited Sydney. My contact email is or and I will be glad to catch up with you all. Cheers.


關學武學弟,歡迎你歸隊,回到啓智大家庭母校的懷抱。   王永健



From:  梁文深 Aug 30, 2011


我是梁文深,1975年越南變天時,讀完高二,屬於1976年畢業的那一屆。今天因同班同學邱漢義(現已改名為趙淑武) 告知母校的校友網頁,非常高興。但網上1976年畢業名單中漏列了我們的名字。可能因為我是插班生,只讀高二那年。 以下是我的







1976 梁文深




Lieu Chan 廖建珍

Fina Lee   李愛霞





From: 2012年啓智聯歡會籌備組 KT Alumni Reunion committee August 13, 2011

We’ve got some exciting news for you regarding the Yellowstone Park tour in the week following the May 26, 2012 reunion party!

Since the tour information was published, a lot of you have expressed interests in joining the 7-day Yellowstone Park bus tour, but were worried that a Wednesday departure would not fit into your tight schedule. We are pleased to announce that the travel agency have agreed in principle that as long as we can fill the whole bus, we can have our tour depart on Monday, May 28, 2012. So please start contacting your class rep today and sign up for the tour. If you do not know who your class rep is, please look him/her up in this link: If you prefer to sign up directly with the 2012 KT Alumni Reunion Committee, here is our contact information one more time:

By phone:
562-818-6707 (U.S.A.)

Via Email:

Via Postal Office Mail:
KT Alumni 2012 Reunion
c/o Ty Yeh
6015 Obispo Ave
Long Beach, Ca 90805

If you are contacting the committee directly, please remember to include your name, class year, and # of seats you are reserving.

See you in the May 26, 2012 KT Alumni Reunion Party!



From:  趙美娟 July 8, 2011


Hi Tyrone:

This message is in reply to 江国炎, his email on June 2011, mentioned 宋亦明; I know of a 宋亦明, he went to college in Taiwan, then worked as teacher in ShinJoo, Taiwan; unfortunately, he passed away more then 30 years ago at a very young age.




From:  江国炎 July 6, 2011


敝于1963年启智第二届理科毕, 同窗大概都已七十开外了吧! 今欲寻回昔日之失联同学, 但名字大多已忘, 隐约记得者有 : 邓启恩, 刘克义, 宋亦明, 潘正贤, 邱良, 邱海两兄弟..女生好像没有几个, 讲唔定我们班系和尚班,... 当年有没有影毕业照亦无明显印象...Thank you for helping!     江国炎




From:  江国炎 June 25, 2011


在毕业照中, 好像没有看到第 1,2,4 届的毕业照片, 我忘了是第几届毕业的, 有可能是第 1,2,4 届其中之一.










From:  陳志成 June 25, 2011


I was graduated in 1967. I was sitting on the first row, 4th from the right in the photo. I am now living in Hong Kong. Kind regards,


Chan Chee Shing, Charles



From: 2012年啓智聯歡會籌備組 KT Alumni Reunion committee June 12, 2011

Dear Teachers and fellow class reps,

We are happy to announce that our R.S.V.P. process for the KT 2012 Alumni Reunion is now officially in gear!

Here is an update for our May 26, 2012 KT Alumni Reunion:

Entertainment for the dinner party:
DJ Karaoke arranged by Danny Show
Ruffles with cash prize

Tours in the week following:
Depending on the length of your stay, please choose from one of these two options:
1. A 3-Day tour to San Francisco / Yosemite National Park - @$128.00, double occupancy
2. A 7-Day tour to Yellowstone National Park - @$488.00, double occupancy

For those who plan for a shorter stay, we offer these 1-Day tours:
• Universsal Studio (by bus - @$95.00
• Disney Land (by bus) - @$95.00
• Santa Barbara (by train) - @65.00

Hotel accommodations:
Two options are offered:
• Best Western Plus Monterey Park Inn - 420 N Atlantic Boulevard, Monterey Park, CA 91755 - @$89.00
• Courtyard by Marriott - 1905 S Azusa Avenue, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 - @$82.00

Please note that these are published rates for 2011 and are subject to change.

A few alumni have already turned in their dinner fee. And Class 73 has already committed to 3 tables for the party. For the majority of our school mates, we will rely on you, our class reps, to compile the signup sheet for your class and provide the stats to us periodically. A checking account for the 2012 school reunion has been established. So, when you are ready, money can be sent to the following address, with checks payable to KT Alumni 2012 Reunion:

KT Alumni 2012 Reunion
c/o Ty Yeh
6015 Obispo Ave
Long Beach, Ca 90805

It will be a tremendous help to the reunion effort if each class rep could start the signup process early. The sooner we know the number of people committing to the tours and/or hotel, the better position we will be in to negotiate for a better group rate. Our target deadline for the dinner party is December 31, 2011, with the deadline for tours and hotel accommodation to be set at January 31, 2012.

The same information will be posted on the KT High School website shortly.

Best regards,

The 2012 KT Alumni Reunion Committee

p.s. To protect your privacy, all your email addresses have been BCC'd.



From:  黃玉玲 May 25, 2011

hi, 永健,


我沒有在啟智讀中學,1969年小學畢業後念了半學期form 2便離開了。我想網站上的應該都是中學同學吧。






也請將我的聯絡email放上correspondence list. 謝謝。

黃玉玲敬上                聯絡電郵





From: Vincent Yu 游文誠 May 22, 2011



我们有三位校友係啟智1964年理科部畢業、後返回台湾升學、一直留台就業、今看到2010年校友聯欢晚會快樂之場面、也想分亨一份髙兴、但不知如何連絡、今借此一角希能協肋及指導一路、讓我们回到啟智校友會的大家庭。我也住在 LA, Arcandia, 但目前我在越南 Ho Chi Minh City 工作。希望能参加下次校友聯欢晚會。

校友 游文誠 敬止


游文誠學長,我代表啓智大家庭歡迎你們歸隊,目前我們1964年畢業生代表是胡鑑禎學兄,Ken Ho, 他的電郵是 若要參加明年的啓智校友聯歡晚會,請與胡鑑禎學兄聯絡,晚會地點在 Monterey Park,您應該不會陌生吧?









From: Kalvin Lai May 3, 2011


hi there, I'm currently in Vietnam visiting and like to visit the school where my brother and sister went to. Did you happen to have an exact address for the school? Thanks!




啓智校址在堤岸六叉路的 Tran Hoang Quan 街上,不清楚如今街名叫什麼,也不清楚正確的地址。謝謝來函。




PS, I just got Khai Tri School address from Derek Tran:





From: Uyen Du Tiet  Feb 6, 2011


Hello Tyrone,

My name is Tammy. I am a 73 graduate from Khai Tri. I live in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. It is wonderfSure ul to see this reunion happens and a chance to look at some of the familiar faces! wonder if you can put me on your mailing list for future Alumni events? Happy Chinese New Year. Thank you.



Hi Tammy,

Sure. we will put your name on class 73 mailing list. your class reps are Ty Cuong Yeh, 葉強, and Van Luong, 梁達邦 , they will put your name in their list. thanks for getting in touch.





From: Catherine Tran 陳淑萍 Jan 27, 2011





在農曆新年即將降臨的前夕,欣聞由69年理科畢業班校友王永健,在20106月開始精心策劃與設立的啟智高中校友網址和網頁,在短短七個月的光景,相繼在20101012日和2011 1 27日創下一萬與二萬人次點擊的輝煌成績。在此可喜可賀的時刻,啟智網頁進一步凸顯了全球母校師生巨大的凝聚力和向心力,以及證實它在校友的心目中必不可少和無可取代的重要地位。






陳淑萍 69年文科










From: Trinh muoi muoi Jan 27, 2011


I am very exciting to find out our teachers & classmates in Khai Tri Oversea Alumni reunion party , I was graduated in 1973, I love to contact my teacher Leung canh huy, would you let me know his phone number. thank you very much.


Muoi Muoi,

Welcome back to the KT family. I'll forward your email to Derek Tran of class 1968. He'll contact you and email you Teacher Luong's number. thanks for getting in touch.





From: 譚顯江 Jimmy Dam Jan 24, 2011


Dear Paris & London KT Alumni (classes 61, 62, 69, 71, 73, 75),

Thank you very much for your participation of this 2011 gathering. We all have enjoyed happy hours harmoniously without any difficulties of age and class. Thanks to your complimentary emails as well.

It is an honour for us to have the graduated classes of 61 & 62 senior alumni Thuc Tu Huynh
(黃淑秀) & Chan Trung Huynh (黃振中) to join this special Paris gathering, letting the Khai Tri glory sparkles in the French land.

I’d like to thank for the supports and efforts of :
Derek, Tyrone, Cathy, Nghi Ving, Kuon Chau, other schoolmates and Class Reps.
Without them, our gathering would not be successful.

Happy New Year to you & your family.

Jimmy Dam




From: 李愛霞 Fina Lee Jan 23, 2011


Dear Derek, Tyrone, Johnny and all Alumni,


My suggestion is if possible we can post all the names in the graduation picture that we have posted. Also who find their pictures in which row, please email me or Chan in class 1976. Then we'll gather all the names. We will send to Our Brother Tyrone to help us post out. Is it great to know all the names in the graduation pictures? Thanks for the attention.

Happy Chinese New Year to All


Fina Lee 1976 李愛霞 (又名亞蝦)



From: 陳治國 Derek  Tran Jan 15, 2011


Dear Teachers and Schoolmates,

We are glad to announce that Ty Yeh
葉強, Nancy Liu 姚彩虹, Van Luong 梁達邦, class of 73 & Jennifer Johnson 王小筠, class of 72 will be the organizers of our next Khai Tri School Alumni Reunion Party for year 2012. 

Date: Memorial Weekend , Saturday May 26, 2012.
Location: San Gabriel Valley area, Los Angeles, CA.

The new Committee will post more details of this big reunion on Khai Tri Website.  Please stay tuned





Responded by Ty Yeh, Nancy Liu, Van Luong, and Jennifer Johnson on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 6:01 PM


Thank you, Derek, for the introduction.

To our Teachers and fellow class contacts, we would like to say our first ‘Hello’ to you on behalf of the full committee.  We are both honored and humbled at being offered the opportunity to chair the 2012 KhaiTri School Alumni Reunion.  We sure have big shoes to fill.  It is going to be a group effort, and we hope we will not disappoint you.



Ty Yeh 葉強

Nancy Liu 姚彩虹

Van Luong 梁達邦

Jennifer Johnson 王小筠 




From: Tealblue Jan 15, 2011


1964-1966年間因家父乃台灣派駐越南外交人員,本人有幸啟蒙英文於啟智,後因戰亂就匆匆回台灣 ,一轉眼也45年了,今年農曆新年預定回堤岸一遊,探訪魂縈夢牽的兒時居住地與求學地。。。不知學校地址在哪?現在還找得到嗎?若可能,還想與當初同學相聚 。。。有人到台北旅遊亦可與我聯絡,定盡地主之誼相待。。。






From: 黃綉文 Wendy Wong Jan 14, 2011


Hi, everyone, Thanks so much through your wonderful effort, my younger brother, Huynh Chanh got his FIRST call from Melbourn, the one called him is his best classmate 阮樹榮, they had a long conversation through his cell. Thanks so much to everyone!




From: 黃綉文 Wendy Wong Jan 13, 2011


I'm Huynh Chanh's older sister, thanks all of you so much helping him to look for his classmates. He let me send this message because of the road construction near his house in Toronto, his internet and home phone were off power, anyone still can reach him by his cell phone #. He said "Thanks to all of you". He really appreciate all your help.

Thanks !




From: Quang Wang Jan 13, 2011


Dear KT friends,

I am still not sure WHICH Group or Year I would be in, because I can not find my photos any where. I was in year 9, or thrid year in High school, or the last year of "Middle School" before going to "gao-Jong" in 1975. I was actually in both Science and literature classes, because I used to jump around between classes. My Name is Chi Quang, anyone know me ? I still have contact with a few KT friends who are in USA and Canada. The One in Canada is ANgie Mac , and Luu Chi Cuong. the one in LA, USA, is Fhu Tich Van, Mac Ding Din etc, but I lost contact with most of others. THanks ! Quang




From: 譚顯江 Jan 10, 2011


New announcement from Jimmy Dam 譚顯江, France.


Dear KT schoolmates,

In order to celebrate the 2011 Lunar New Year, I'm very proud to announce  the first Khai Tri Paris France Regional Alumni Gathering.

Date:         Jan 23rd 2011 Sunday at  noon
Location:  A Chinese restaurant in Chinatown Paris

We'll take the reservation this weekend and let you know the fare and exact location in details.
So you've enough time to confirm your participation and please don't forget to specify if you are coming with family members.

For confirmation, please send email to :  or call me at 0650345326

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Jimmy Dam




From: 張坤慧 Dec 26,2010


Dear Classmates,


I graduated in year 1974 from Khai Tri and have been trying to find Khai Tri Alumni for years, but never got to know it until my friend told me about this website information today. She did bring me a good Christmas present. I was so excited and hope I can meet you all one day and keep in touch from now on. Looking forward to talking with you all!!!!


My contact information: Terry Tran 張坤慧 Burke, VA 



Warm regards,





From: 吳小明 Dec 2,2010


Hi.....各位(Class 1976) 同學....

大家好!我是吳小明 (Class S4A-1976),現家居香港。不知道有多少位老同學仍會記起我名字及樣貌!對名單入面同學們的姓名及樣貌日漸漠糊了!畢竟事過三十多年,開始老人痴呆了!如果現在大家仍不再連繫起來,更待何時?大家快來相聚,重溫大家庭的往日舊事。





From: 黄青瑜 Nov 24,2010


Hi 郭珊珊、饒佩霞,

我是黄青瑜。我有杨月梅同学的信息,請電郵與我聯絡 謝謝 。

青瑜 (Science class of 76) 寄自Fremont,California.



From: 胡偉禎 Nov 22,2010




能够在數十年能 記起我nick name 的話、便証明你still remember me,當年我倉忙离越便與所有朋友失去聯絡,在80年初在San Jose,CA偶然見到任卓鈞 ,但之後又失去了聯絡,多年來我一直在找尋各老同學們,在今年五月的啓智聯歡會,67年理科只有我一人,只好與我大哥的同學們同桌(64理科),所以便誤以為64年的學長 。 今天早上,收到容光送來的"衣貓",數十年與他失去聯系,能再次在空中交談,真是人生中一大樂事。 朋友是一種財富,交流是一種獲得,在茫茫人海中,彼此能够相讖,相交,相逢何等難能可貴! 在聚散分离的人生旅途中,在各自不同的生命軌跡上,能够彼此相遇,相逢,可以說是一種緣份,緣份不是常有的,緣起緣滅,應該珍惜得來不易的緣。希望能与你們再相會,在流失的歲月長河中 ,尋找那己經失去的 “ 青葱” 歲月。




永健兄 ,


你好 ,多謝你為KT信箱花了這麼多的時间與心血,你的付出能為失散多年的老同學能够再通訊或相會, 令我敬服。再次的多謝你。











From: 何國雄 Nov 16, 2010



您好,看到您的啓智信箱留言,又多添一份同窗友誼之情。 我在2010啓智校友聯歡晚會彔影中早已看到您的照片,但註明是理科64屆,我還以為涊錯人。 往事如煙,我們同學四十多載歲月從無憂無愁的青少年都快要變成懷古憶舊的老頭子啦, 還記得您的花名\"狐狸精\"與\"胡偉禎\"同音相似,對嗎?(哈哈一笑,不要見怪)。 希望以後保恃聯絡,多留言啓智信箱,生活要平淡,生命要精彩。




From: 胡偉禎 Nov 7, 2010


何國雄 and 67 Science classmates,

How are you? My name is 胡偉禎 (毕业照後排右三 just next to you)。 Thanks for your pictures that I able to see many old classmates have not seen in the last 40+ years。 I love to hear from any classmate,郑容光 shoots me an Email if you see this message。 My Email: tgkho@yahoo。com Thanks




From: Ralph Chern 陳國城 Nov 2, 2010


Dear All:

I am pleasantly surprised to learn the number of viewers reported by Derek。 I absolutely agree with Derek's comment。 Indeed, Tyrone is instrumental in making our Khai Tri website so full of life and thus helping Khai Tri classmates, who scatter all around the globe, finally be able to reconnect。 This effort is significant and entails real impact to so many of us。 I would like to also take this opportunity to give Tyrone my high five plus bravo for doing such a wonderful job for us。 The joy of talking to old and lost friends again after 30 plus years is beyond words。 Thanks to Tyrone for making this possible。 Best,

Ralph Chern Class 69



From: Dan Ha 何國雄 Oct 30, 2010



您好,啓智校友網站给我们提供一个極佳在空气中相聚的平台,回忆四十多年前同窗同学之情,真似水流年,留下只有思念,一串串永难忘。还記得否是誰提出的鬼主意 ,我们1967年 啓智理科班男生想畢業就要"穿窗口"。不论自願与否,一个个乖乖就範。就只有兩位潮卅怒漢陈景鹏,梁顺平要用四人大轎费尽力气來抬才能免強成事 。此情此景如昨天发生的事,歷歷在眼前。 我班同学现分散台灣,香港,中国,日本,澳卅,英美等各地,祈望來臨的啓智联歡晚会能相聚一堂,旧夢重温,还我青年的春天。




From: Dan Ha Oct 29, 2010







From: 张敬中 Oct 24, 2010

我现住加州湾区,今日在纲上见到几位老同学的照片• 希望有空谁写耒一封电邮•

Email: harleytin@hotmail。com

From: 陳達輝 Oct 23, 2010

何國雄兄你好,由郑容光兄告知 ,上了啟智的web site,得知啟智校友联欢晚会2010年在Los Angles 舉行,校友及師長们大家在隔別这么多年後能在海外相聚,其樂縈縈 ,感慨量多 。希望有機會能与同学们敍旧,我現居于多倫多也卅多年了,(苐四行左起苐12亇) keep in tough 。 祝你与同學们万事如意


Email: huytranca@yahoo。ca

From: Crystal Lin Oct 22, 2010

Tyrone vuong。。。

i saw your facebook。。。but not active much。 only some of lin-lin's posts。。。 see your specials of luongkien tan。。 vietnam visit links me to diep hai thanh。。。。 he with me same 1st gratuates of khaitri。。63。。。 luongkien tan says。。。 Diep Hai Thanh on wheel chair something。。 hope you can connect with Luong kien Tan。。painter。。。 since they are buddies at thonhon school at that time。。 hope can obtain some oldie-goldie pics。。 especially。。khaitri。。1st gratuates。。。63。。。 i got your email one time for those memories pics。。。 i totally retain nothing。。。 even my thonhon school。。57。。 i got it from your thonhon school web。。 hope so。。 hi。。。folks。。。 back to the futures memory。。。 thanks


Email: lyviklin@sbcglobal。net



From: Alison Jew 李碧霞 Oct 17, 2010


Hi! KT folks,

I would like to share。。。。。。。。 I am Allison Jew class of 77 & my sister Fina Lee class of 76, a SPECIAL thanks to our Brother/Derek who invited us to have lunch with the others two brothers today, we had such a good time for gathering and sharing old time stories。 This is our honor to seat with C-Hing(師兄), Big brothers or I should say: Three Kings - Johnny Tran /class 67, Derek Tran /class 68 & Tyrone Vuong /class 69。 Don't U think this is so wonderful to have three of the Kings? I'll never forget the moment we shared during our luncheon。。。。。 Cheers!!

Allison Jew /77 CA, USA



From: Derek Tran 陳治國 Oct 13, 2010


Dear Teachers and Schoolmates,

Congratulations on our Khai Tri Website created by Tyrone Vuong of class 69 Science。 There are more than 10 K visitors as of today in just 3 months。 During this period, we have reconnected many schoolmates。 When we visit the Web we have the feeling that we are back to our school。 Thanks Tyrone again for his effort to set up this website for us。 Cheers,

Derek Tran



From: HOVEN CHANG 張豪云(捷兴)老師 Oct 8, 2010


万分慶幸能与各級同学会面,歡叙于一個難忘的夜宴,此情此景確比任何应酬式的婚宴或叙会耒得開心暢快和温馨 ,尤其當晚攝制的錄影碟和照片更是价勝黄金,可令每位参与者畢生回味。万二分感謝主办這次联歡会的同学们尽心尽力、任劳任怨,這可算是人生中的一大成就 。我雖有豪情,仍佩服你们肯幹敢為。愿你们永遠保持這种宝貴的熱誠和幹劲,從而享受友誼的歡乐,还請記取“众志成城”和“团結是力量”的啟示 。




學棣 王永健 敬上



From: 饒佩霞 Oct 5, 2010

Hi, I am very exciting that we’ve this website。 I was in the literature class with 郭珊珊。 Hopefully, I would get in touch with my “old friends”。 By the way, I am in VA, USA。



Note Both 郭珊珊 & 饒佩霞 were  in 1976 Literature class。 饒佩霞 posted this message in the Contact Us page without leaving her email address。 to get in touch with her, please also leave a message in the Contact Us page。 thanks。



From: David Dedzoung Sept 12, 2010


Hi Tyrong ,

how are you, I just got a class-mate information his name is 陳名揚,he graduated in1970 S-class, I think he also Thonnhan school alumni may be you know him,he just arrived U。S。A few days ago。 But not contact yet, I got his brother phone # 2 days ago by indirectly via Moui R。 Iwould to to chat with him and want get more information about some class-mates still stay in HK。 Please return my words to Tony Cheung the person he want to contact name陳名兴(1971,S-class) phone# 1-9096105308。 Have nice days。 grace。。。。。。。。David



I knew 陳名揚 well back in VN。 he was one grade lower than mine was。 I also know some of his brothers and sisters。 I haven't seen him since I graduated from KT。 I saw his brothers and sisters once in a while in the Tho Nhon Parties。 thanks for getting in touch。





From: Jennifer W Johnson 王小筠 Sept 12, 2010



I totally agreed with you that Tyrone has done a wonderful job on the website。 I had the pleasure of meeting him in person not long ago when I needed his help to post some old pictures on the site。 Tyrone was every bit the person I projected him to be: enthusiastic, patient, and kind。 We are very fortunate to have him, as well as Derek, to guide us to an even better school reunion in two years! A note to Tyrone - I just got a couple more names ready for you to add to our 72L graduation list。 I will send them to you shortly。 Thank you for all your help。



PS, Jennifer, i got your email。 i will put those names to the 72 class list。 thank you both of you for the compliments。




From: Ivy Willis 黃綉文 Sept 10, 2010


I saw someone's looking for Liang ChienYeh, she's my friend too, she's in Taiwan now with her own family。 It's right her name should be her e-mail address is: sonnie_liang@hotmail。com




From: Ivy Willis 黃金鳳 Sept 10, 2010


Hi, Jennifer,

Thank you for the response, your brother, Seck did contact me this morning。 It is such a small world, isn't it? It is wonderful too。 We live in The San Francisco Bay Area, thank you for asking。 I also want to thank Tyrone for his hard work on this website。 It is a great benefit to us in locating our good old friends。





From: Jennifer W Johnson 王小筠 Sept 10, 2010


Hello Ivy,

I am excited someone finally recognized my brother from the picture! That is the whole idea behind my decision to post that picture in my album。 I, as did my other 3 brothers and one sister, also graduated from 同義學校。 But only Seck (王石立) and I attended Khai Tri in later years。 I have forwarded your message to Seck。 It would be wonderful if your sister and my brother can connect after all these years。 Where is your sister now? Seck lives in Chicago with his wife and two kids but often travels out of the country on business needs。 He can fill in the rest after he gets in touch with your sister。 Here is his email address: seck。wong@pepsico。com Now I hope someone recognizes me。 :-)





From: Bohen Phung 馮寳卿 August 26, 2010


有了 『啟智網站』可讓『國語人』,在『七十年代的回憶』分享及重溫當年我們的廣東話…。一笑。




From: Tony Cheung 张玉桦 August 25, 2010


Dear Tyrone,

Is it possible to develop a page that list all the contacts (Email and Location)? Best Regards, Tony


Again, I would like to contact with 谭显江, I did not see his email from this web site。 Could you please forward my email to him, telling him my email address? Thank you。 Best Regards, Tony



It's a good idea to create a web page showing email addresses & locations where alumni live。 However, I am afraid that some of our alumni would not like their emails to be exposed on the web for some reasons。 I think Derek Tran should have most of alumni's emails which would help get in touch。

I will forward your email to 谭显江, hopefully he will contact you shortly。 thank you for getting in touch。





From: Muoi Rodgers 陳坤燕 August 20, 2010


Teacher Chau is meeting us at San Jose, California at 08/22/2010 Sunday。 I live in 12263 presilla road, Camarillo, Ca 93012。 Cell 8053411767。 Does any one out there want to ride with me to San Jose to meet teacher Chau。 I drive and gas the car。







From: Muoi Rodgers 陳坤燕 August 19, 2010



Anyone knows the name of grad pix72 science, bottom row girls, first one from the right in Chinese。 Please appreciate your help, and thank。





From: Tanya Wong 王淑君 August 19, 2010


Class 1975 along with me there were Shelley Ly Huang aka 李鳳賢 as well as Raymond Fulls at the LA May 2010 reunion party。 Thank you very much Tyrone for your efforts and participation。 Bravo brother!



thank you for getting in touch。 hopefully we will meet again in the next Reunion party。 take care。


PS, Tanya, can you tell me what pictures you and the alumni mentioned in your email were in? Just a reminder, all pictures in the Reunion party albums are numbered。




From: 潘家泉 August 18, 2010


永健 我们联络上了。42年了。多谢你。。 家泉






From: 馮寶卿 August 16, 2010


余秋雲69理科/71文科畢業,與我又是福德學校初中第卄九屆畢業同學,有校友知道此位校友的信息嗎? 我的Email是: bohen@gmx。de 謝謝!!


謝謝!!譚顯江Jimmy謝謝!! 找到了,找到了,多年來不斷搜尋,終於找到陳坤燕了,哈哈哈…。 It was wonderful chatting with her yesterday -- after 32 years!!!








From: 馮寶卿 August 15, 2010


啓智學校英文高中第十屆文科畢業 多年來不斷搜尋們的踪影,今天網上連絡友情, 有說不出無限的喜悅。。。好多好多年的舊老照,熟悉的臉龐, 好像又回到了從前…。,好像又在歡歌笑語中…







From: Jennifer W Johnson 王小筠 August 14, 2010


Hi Tyrone,

To follow up with my previous email, 梁善兒 should be 梁倩兒 。 This is done with Cuu Ing's help (thank you Cuu Ing)。 If you could make the correction, it would be great。 I am still trying to figure out how to get all the Chinese names written down based on our graduation class picture。 This may take a while。 The perfect solution would be, for all of those who look at the picture, if you see your face in the picture, but your name is not listed, please let Tyrone know so the list can be complete。 Thanks



Jennifer, thank you very much for speaking out what i wanted to say。 i think all the pictures should have captions or descriptions on each of them, so alumni can recognize their classmates or friends when they look at those pictures。 alumni showing up in the Reunion party might look a lot different than how they looked some 40 years ago。 some might have lost  their hair, or added some wrinkles on their faces nowadays。 some might look younger (ha, must be a 周伯通) that you could barely tell who they were。 i really hope alumni of other classes can help us put the classmates' names on their graduation photos。 thank you for getting in touch。





From: Jimmy Dam 譚顯江 August 13, 2010



Thanks for the contact with teacher Luong。 It’s a good idea to share the old days photos of our KT classes。 They're priceless。 BTW, do you have news about teacher Luong kien khang ? I'd like to get the only male 71classmate contact (Tom Kan ?) present in the reunion, please send to me by email。 Thanks。





From: Jennifer W Johnson 王小筠 August 12, 2010


Hello, I am afraid some of the names for the 1972 Literature Class have been misspelled: Jenniffer S Johnson - should be Jennifer W。 Johnson (me)

梁善兒 - I am pretty sure the middle name is not this word。 Unfortunately, I have not been able to upgrade my Windows7 to the Premium version to write in Chinese (have been using cut and paste so far)。 Help, anyone? Thanks




Thank you for getting in touch with the KTweb。 for Chinese input software you don't need to have Windows 7 to be able to write Chinese。


to install Chinese input software in your computer please follow these steps: (it is free to be downloaded from Google website)

if you can read the Chinese in this page, proceed to step 1。 if not, read the red lines below:

before doing the following steps, make sure that you install Chinese language in your computer by placing the Operating System disk in your DVD drive (this disk comes with your computer when you buy it), then go to Control Panel to install Chinese in the Language section。

1。 click on this link: http://www。google。com/ime/pinyin/

2。 click on “下載谷歌拼音輸入法”

3。 click on "Run"。 then follow instructions to download the software。

4。 if you know 漢語拼音(國語Mandarin), you can use pinyin to input Chinese either in simplified Chinese(簡體字)or traditional Chinese(繁體字)depending on your settings。 if you prefer Cantonese, you can set to Hongkong inputting method。

5。 open your word processors such as MS Word, Word Perfect, or your email。 then try to practice writing Chinese。

6。 keep this in mind。 this software has 聯想 ability。 if you type in "wm", the options will show up with:

         1。 我們 2。 外面 3。完美 4。外賣 5。文明

    just choose the one you want to input by hitting 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 key to transfer the phrase to your word processor。 press "="

    key to get more options。 press "-" to go back on the options。

hopefully this will help。 good luck!





From: Derek Tran 陳治國 August 10, 2010


Jimmy / Tyrone,

I talked to Teacher Luong Canh Huy today。 He also had a same photo of the KT women basket team。 The trainer was Teacher Luong Kien Khang ( "Health" in English)。 Teacher Luong Canh Huy will find out the date of this photo from his album。 He also promised to send all the KT old photos to us。 Regards。




it is good to get pictures taken in the old days back in VN。 Please email to me once you get the pictures。 Thanks。





From: Đàm hin giang (Jimmy) 譚顯江 August 6, 2010


Hi Tyrone,
I found a priceless photo in my drawer。 Don't know how I got it。 It doesn't matter。
What I'd like is to send back to this beautiful girls basketball team。 Can you find them out which class they are ?
Thank you for your service (so many)。


Hi Jimmy, thanks for sending this photo to the KTweb。 Tyrone


Hi Teachers, sisters & brothers,

Jimmy found this priceless picture recently and wanted to find out which class all these young ladies belonged to。 please help us identify them。 Thanks。



Note: please click on the photo to enlarge。 Repeatedly clicking on the photo will toggle between regular and enlarged sizes。





From: Đàm hin giang (Jimmy) 譚顯江 August 3, 2010


First of all, thank you for Tyrone's hard work to add our 71class homepage。 I'll complete the missing captions in photos and send to you later。 In parallel, you gave me incentives to create the "khaitrialumni_class71" yahoo group。 So 71class (literature and science) are welcome to this group。 Since I began from KT Elementary class, 72 classmates are also welcome。 Lastly I had been working as teacher from 72 to 74, those non graduated are also welcome if they want to join。 Anyway, as Tyrone said, we're sisters and brothers in the whole family。 Regards,



Jimmy, you are welcome to create your own class homepage。 please email me the link when it is ready to share with the KT alumni。 i will link this web page to your 71 class homepage。 thank you very much。





From: 張玉樺 August 1, 2010


Dear 王永建,我建议每隔一段时间或这网頁有新的刷新,发一个EMAIL 给我们每一个人,让我们不断的感觉到“We are not alone!"。 Tony


Tony, 這是一個很好的建議,其實我早已想到這一點,在啓智網站首頁上的網站佈告欄,就是宣佈網站的新貼子。請每天上我們啓智網站,先看網站佈告欄,就會知道我們有什麼剛貼上的新貼子,然後看啓智信箱尋人啓事,這是與我們啓智大家庭的最好聯繫,你永遠是我們大家庭的一成員,你不會感到寂寞的,謝謝你的建議,謝謝來函。





From: 趙美娟 July 31, 2010


收到DVD快一個星期了,終於等到周末,才有時間仔細觀看及上網瀏覧啓智校友的網頁,嘩!咱 72班那一頁也加入了。



        非常感謝您!綱頁上每一章的標題、前言、旁白;還要從衆多照片中找出各班的編入其班章;再為我們刊登尋人短信;在在都讓你花了不少時間和心血,還中、英、越文並列!雖然我們是英文中學畢業  ,但中文還是我們的母語,感覺上比較親切;而且顧及在亞洲的校友們,如此三語並行,實在是一個很周全的安排。謝謝您!


Homer Wong









           除了感謝各位多時月的策劃,悉心安排以達成那圓滿的晚會;也很感激您的耐心,對大眾有理、無理的提議 、要求或指責,都一一耐心解釋清楚、幫忙解決或吞下肚子去。而後續的眾多事宜,如架設網站、製作DVD等等,也佔用了您們少時间、精力。













From 李碧霞 July 31, 2010


All Khai Tri folks


You all may know we had a Reunion Alumni Party in May/2010 after 30 years plus separation from our school after the war。  We were so glad to attend this event with a remarkable unforgetable memories。 We are now CODE as Class 76 (included all of us not even has a chance to graduate yet - It would have graduated for these classes: 1975/1976/1977- we were in this class & 1978) 


Some of you had attend the party and received the two DVD & one CD(photos)

This link is for who had missed the opportunity and will like to share the joy & fun with us。

(Post Part I - Part II will be following soon)


You will find our school link is very useful & benifit for everyone to search for thier long lost friends and update news, please forward to the others as well。



*A special thanks to our Founder - Derek Tran (class 1968)who established this valuable & so remarkable memories for us。  He put a lot of effort & time to coordinate this event。


*We all thank Homer Wong of class 68 literature for his effort to take photos, make copies and mail out these 200 sets of DVDs。

*We would also like to thank Tyrone Vuong of class 69 science for creating and designing the Khai Tri website, 

Keep in touch and I am looking forward for some of you are coming to US for August 21st - Bonelli Park/at San Dimas city (It is post on Facebook)


Derek will post our 6th graduation pix in the website soon。


Note: Does anyone of you who has the original Graduation pix, please scan and forward to me, I have a copy from one of the friend。  It may not be clear to post it。



Allison Jew (Ly, Bich Ha)




From 郭珊珊 July 31, 2010


Hi, I was in the literature class and would have been a 1976 graduate。。。。。 I have been visiting the KT website in hope that I would see some familiar faces, names and to this date, without such luck。 I think my friends are playing a hide-and-seek game on me。。。。。。 I am in Ontario, Canada。 Where are you ????? Hoping to hear from you soon,  郭珊珊


郭珊珊, welcome back to the KT family。 i believe eventually you will see or hear from some of your classmates on our KT web。 an old Chinese saying says: 女大十八變。 it has been 30+ years already。 some faces might turn wrinkled or younger than you thought。 some might turn heavier。 keep looking for the familiar faces in our KT web。 before you know it, all the faces shown up on this web will look familiar to you。 ha ha, we are brothers & sisters。 we should look familiar to one another anyway。 if you don't see any "old faces", please keep in touch with us。 you will eventually get some good news。 thanks for contacting us。





From  Dam hien giang (Jimmy) 譚顯江 July 31, 2010


Dear KT classmates, Let me first introduce myself。。 I was graduated in 71 science class, now I live in Paris。 I'd like to get in touch with 71 classmates and others。 In fact, I may know some in 72 class if they began from the Elementary。 Please let me ask some questions: 1。 How can I create a 71 class home page in this KT site ? May I upload some reunion photos ? 2。 I'm curious to know how many classmates in Europe ? Do you have a list of contacts ? Thanks in advance。 PS。 Sorry to talk to all of you in English (of course French is also welcomed) since I cannot write Chinese on my PC。 Regards and long live our friendship。



Jimmy, welcome back to the KT family。 please email your photos to me @ tv0808@yahoo。comClass 71 is the next class homepage i will create。 I'm working on it now。 please send your pictures ASAP。 to answer your question #2 i don't really know how many class 71 alumni are living in Europe。 after this message is posted, i believe some alumni will respond to this question and get contact with the KT web。

to install Chinese input software in your computer please follow these steps: (it is free to be downloaded from Google website)

if you can read the Chinese in this page, proceed to step 1。 if not, read the red lines below:

before doing the following steps, make sure that you install Chinese language in your computer by placing the Operating System disk in your DVD drive (this disk comes with your computer when you buy it), then go to Control Panel to install Chinese in the Language section。

1。 click on this link: http://www。google。com/ime/pinyin/

2。 click on “下載谷歌拼音輸入法”

3。 click on "Run"。 then follow instructions to download the software。

4。 if you know 漢語拼音(國語Mandarin), you can use pinyin to input Chinese either in simplified Chinese(簡體字)or traditional Chinese(繁體字)depending on your settings。 if you prefer Cantonese, you can set to Hongkong inputting method。

5。 open your word processors such as MS Word, Word Perfect, or your email。 then try to practice writing Chinese。

6。 keep this in mind。 this software has 聯想 ability。 if you type in "wm", the options will show up with:

         1。 我們 2。 外面 3。完美 4。外賣 5。文明

    just choose the one you want to input by hitting 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 key to transfer the phrase to your word processor。 press "="

    key to get more options。 press "-" to go back on the options。

hopefully this will help。 good luck!





From 趙巧瓊 July 28, 2010


何国雄 : Thank you for remember me, I kept in touch with Helen 赵彩凤 and Lily 梁丽婵, but I haven't met up with 李经伦 yet, may be next time when I go for a visit, I am waiting for the soft ware to conver my PC to include Chinese writing, hopefully I can do that soon, after such a long time, I have problem put name to faces。 Keep in touch。 Karen Hi Tyrone, You must think I'm so rude not to thank you for bringing all the old friends together, I am sure your work is much appreciated by all of us。 THANK YOU。 Karen



we are members of the KT family。 we are brother and sister。 you don't have to say thankyou to me。 working on the web is a way to contribute to our KT family。 contacting us is your contribution to our big KT family too。





From 洁仪 July 28, 2010


启智71年文科十届何洁仪(HA KIET)毕业照三排十一欲联络以下各同窗好友: 丽娟(三排十), 陈琦雯, 黄佩华, 陈瑜。 联络电邮: pianorocks228@hotmail。com




From 何国雄 July 25, 2010




我当然记得您,您最要好的朋友赵彩凤 ,梁丽婵应还住在香港,87年我从香港移民来美国前还经常有同学叙会一起攻打四方城。06年我返香港见到梁丽婵行动不便,因曾轻微中凤。若到香港可找李经伦连络各同学 。 希望启智信箱大家庭能重拾我们往日的回忆,青春留不住,真情永长存!






From 楊應端 July 21, 2010


Looking for All Classmates of 1966 Literature CLass Feeling very excited to have a chance to find so many familiar faces and names with this established website , I myself wished I were at this very special occasion。 I am now located at Vancouver,BC, Canada。 I was graduated in 1966 Literature Class。 After almost half century and so many vigours change I am eager to have correspondences of all friends and teachers I know especially my classmates of 1966 Literate Class Graduate by this networking。。。Please feel free to leave me a few words at my email: ying。duen@hotmail。com Thanks


Hi Ying-Duen, about three years ago when I first got to a website created by a group of alumni who graduated from my middle school back in my home town Danang, I had the same exciting feeling as you did when I saw the black & white pictures posted on that website with so many familiar faces I used to be with every school days。 I couldn't sleep soundly that night。 So the next morning there came to my mind a thought which gave birth to another website for my mother school Tho Nhon in Danang。 this was the Chinese middle school I had attended before going to the Khai Tri High。 it's nice to welcome you back to our KT family。






From 趙巧琼 July 21, 2010


何国雄 : I read your letter in the KT web, I am not sure you remember me, I am the 6th one on right side of the 2nd row in the photo。 My family moved to Hongkong after I graduated, I met a few of the old classmates when I went to Hongkong for the visit。 I have been in England for over 35 years。 It was my niece told me about the Site, she was in class 72 and went to the re-union in LA。 I have to write in English because my computer have not got Chinese facility。 I love to hear from any old class mate, I still keep in touch with the one in Hongkong。

趙巧琼 (karen Chiu Flinter Trieu xao Quyen)


Hi Karen, it is nice to welcome you back to the big KT family。 I am very sorry for the late response。 hopefully you will join us in the next Reunion Party some time in the future。 thank you for contacting us。





From 何国雄 July 13, 2010





这几天我在youtube 观赏您在树人网站短片更令我激动不已正确积极的人生观是我们应该学习友情之宝贵是我们华生珍藏



台湾: 方昆敏(基隆长庚肠胃科主导医师), 李华夏(海峡两岸经贸秘书长), 徐永昆张南彭素凤韩德菊

香港: 李经纶招根炽吴子权梁丽婵赵彩凤

星加坡: 李学礼


日本: 芦英林谭显杰

美国: 刘克智陈荣章任卓钧梁演昌梁淳昌




;   安好!                                     


何国雄  字于2010












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